
There was a man

with a health plan.

He paid for it

through his employer.


Until the cries

to socialize

led private care

to its destroyer.


Obamacare's the only game in town.

All healthcare run for profit's been shut down.

Attrition left us with a single payer

It's called Obamacare.


If you get sick while traveling overseas

Afflicted with some tropical disease.

Face it, son, you haven't got a prayer

you've got Obamacare.


The senescent,

their savings spent,

still need to prove

that they're worth saving.


In every town

they'll beat us down

the road our good

intentions' paving.


Obamacare's the only game in town.

All healthcare run for profit's been shut down.

Attrition left us with a single payer

It's called Obamacare.


Their bedside manner has the soft caress

that we get dealing with the IRS

Canadians will never come down here

we've got Obamacare.


Our doctors lose their will to specialize;

No private payer's left to subsidize;

Who can we press to pay in their fair share

to fund Obamacare?

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