

Macondo is expensive; over runs are hurtin'

Order cheap cement; then blame Halliburton.

Our blow-out preventers in a pretty stack --

Took some pieces out, and didn't put 'em back

Blaming Cameron 'cause it jammed and stalled

Saying anything so it's not our fault!


No... gross negligence or willful misconduct can be shown

Everyone will learn that the concerns

of the EPA are overblown.

The... bacteria that swims above the ocean floor

will all consume the big oil plume

long before it washes up on shore.


At BP we're all very green

You can trust everything will get clean

And when we say,

Shhh! It all will go away!

(That's what we're prayin').

We'll pay the fine, like we oughta,

for Deepwater's bad day!

Oh..., Transocean had expensive day rates on their rig

But they would debate the plans we make

to cut corners 'cause we are a pig!

In...consistent were the pressure readings from down-hole.

But to shrink the loss, the rookie boss

took too many chances for that goal!


If he just remained on dry land

offshore drilling then would not be banned..

Gigantic Fail.

We should be frackin' shale!

and now we're begging

Pay your fair share, Anadarko.

Anadarko? OK?



If you think we like being fleeced

we'll go where they need our expertise

and for the price.

the Caspian is nice

We're celebrating

welcome us home, Azerbijian.

Azerbijian IN-D-E-M-N-I-F-Y

Indemnify us! Yeeow!


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