Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls



Have a trade that might behoove you?

                fa la la la la, another law

First have Andy preapprove you.

                fa la la la la, another law

Sell for Travelers, and you’ll find that

                folly law, folly law, ha-ha-ha

You’ll be judged with 20/20 hindsight.

                fa la la la la, another law


T’ monitor your stock investment

                fa la la la la, another law

Chuck and Millie must give consent

                fa la la la la, another law

Directorships are truly hated

                folly law, folly law, ha-ha-ha

Stay in the dark so you can trade it

                fa la la la la, another law


If Wall Street wants to entertain some

                fa la la la la, another law

There’re some things you must refrain from

                fa la la la la, another law

Log it in, we may forgive you

                folly law, folly law, ha-ha-ha

If you keep the banker with you

                fa la la la la, another law


Someone’s actions were untoward

                fa la la la la, another law

Now we’ll get their just reward

                fa la la la la, another law

When they mete out penal justice

                folly law, folly law, ha-ha-ha

It will prove they just don’t trust us

                fa la la la la, another law

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