Christmas in Killarney

Christmas in Killarney


We used to hawk our preference stock

a 5 percent match is what we all got.

but cash can be expensive

and we all want to be rich!


It’s good to say “401(k)”

when bragging to them of how much we pay

but our pre-tax contributions

are limited by who plays.


to get participation

of 100 percent.

We’ll take away the cash we pay

and give ‘em all stock instead!


We spoke too fast, our stock’s like cash

and something of value is far too rash.

Instead we’ll give them options

‘cause we’re gonna all be rich.


We had to figure how to jigger

the TESIP plan to make it seem bigger

now we have “Wealthbuilder”

and we’re gonna all be rich!


We want to make this look good

so we all took an oath…

the value blooms as we assume

20 percent per year growth


It must be grand to feel like Sandy

having all this stock at our command.

You’ll get a hundred options

to fulfill every wish

‘cause now we have “Wealthbuilder”

and we’re gonna all be rich!

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