Parmalat . . . Parmalat!
You flaunted what the law allows!
Parmalat . . . Parmalat!
You’ve been milking more than cows!
Just where did you let all that money go to?
You claimed you had accounts where you did not!
Just think of all the people you’ve brought woe to,
At Parmalat.
What geniuses created Bucanero?
The same time your accountant’s on the dole.
Recoveries won’t be much more than zero
From that black hole.
Parmalat . . . Parmalat!
You came to market twice a year
Parmalat . . . Parmalat!
Your balance sheet was too unclear
Seems B of A just had to win that mandate.
They wanted those investment banking fees.
You issued debt so often they would seem like
Aseptic packaging protects your products
But not so the investors in your deals
Who succumbed to your inveigle
Whose notes aren’t worth a bagel
We’ll shmear the management and bankers
Who brought Parmalat!